Jill & Nick | Wedding

These next few posts are all terribly late, I apologize! I photographed this wedding the Saturday before I left for a month long trip to Europe and since then I sure have slacked on updating the blog! I’ve known Jill for quite some time, since kindergarten I believe, so I was so happy when she asked me to photograph her wedding! It was such a lovely day, I met up with Jill at her sister’s house and took some photos there before we made our way to the church where I met up with Nick and the groomsmen. Isn’t Jill’s dress gorgeous? It was her mother’s wedding gown and Jill and her mother-in-law redesigned it together! Such an amazing idea! Also how beautiful is that church, those high ceilings and gorgeous stained glass windows were a dream to photograph. The reception took place at the McKinley Museum, and it was a really cool venue, with the dancing taking place in the lobby of the museum! It was such a fun night, no one wanted it to end, the guests even convinced the DJ to play a couple extra songs!

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Europe Revisited

I miss Europe on a daily basis to be honest. (Only three months until I return for a month!!) So a while ago I started playing around with some of my old photos from my trip. I have a tendency to leave my photographs in color, but seeing as I was feeling nostalgic I really wanted to work with black and white. As you can tell I had a hard time narrowing it down, so there’s 85 overall. (Sorry if you have slow internet, mine included!) Let me know your favorites and if you’ve visited the same places I’d love to hear about it! And if anyone has any suggestions for must sees in Rome, Florence, Venice, Vienna, and Prague that would be amazing! Even things in London, Paris and Edinburgh that I might not have gotten the chance to do. Travel tips are much appreciated! :)

EuropeRevisted_001Paris, France – Across from the Eiffel Tower

EuropeRevisted_001London, England – Big Ben and the London Eye from a double decker bus

EuropeRevisted_001London, England – St. Paul’s Cathedral

EuropeRevisted_001London, England – The view from atop St. Paul’s Cathedral

EuropeRevisted_001Paris, France – The Eiffel Tower

EuropeRevisted_001Edinburgh, Scotland – View from Edinburgh Castle

EuropeRevisted_001London, England – The side of St. Paul’s Cathedral

EuropeRevisted_001Edinburgh, Scotland – Edinburgh Castle

EuropeRevisted_001Versailles, France – The Temple of Love at The Palace of Versailles

EuropeRevisted_001London, England – Tower of London

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